Where It All Began

Thanks to a young college student, my introduction to poetry came around the age of nine. She took the time to share and read works with not only me, but some of my neighborhood friends as well, which for me opened doors to a myriad of possibilities. I remember spending the summer encouraging them how much fun this would be. When really, I needed a reason to get out the house and not be bored. It also sparked my curiosity about this place; new to me at that time, called Africa. I was honored in being asked to provide most of the artwork for this project and although I’m not quite sure of my poetry, thankfully my artistic skills drastically improved over the years, lol. This was a vital moment for a young girl who at the time had no idea this experience would alter my life, all because one person took the time in deciding to reach out. (Note: this tiny publication has been tattered over the years as you can tell, but I hold on to it as a reminder of where it all began)!

Published by 5thgenerationgirl

Tammy Wynette is a mother of three and a “G-MA” (grandma). Born in Warren, Arkansas, she currently resides in Sacramento, CA and is pursuing an AA degree in English at American River College, with plans to transfer to California State University, Sacramento (Sac State). She is an active leader and role model in her community, she works with teens sharing and teaching poetry, as well as providing insight for young parents to prosper. She has certificate from NAMI (The National Alliance on Mental Illness) and is a trailblazer & Griot, keeper of stories/traditions passed down from her ancestors. As an Author and motivational speaker it’d be an honor to present at your events to inspire, encourage & let our VOICES be heard! She has short stories and poems published in Our Black Mothers Brave, Bold and Beautiful!

58 thoughts on “Where It All Began

  1. Thank you for sharing your lovely poem and art work. In just a few lines, the younger you painted a lovely vibrant image in my head – and yes, I can smell the flowers too!

    It’s wonderful how one person can make such an impact and influence in our lives and I’m glad the 9-year-old you had someone introduce you to poetry. Literature and arts can do wonders in shaping one’s views and interactions with the world! 🙏

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    1. Yes! There was a time I was so embarrassed by this and kept it hidden (but as you can see the kids got ahold of it, lol). Then I realized that everything starts somewhere and soon I was able to see much improvement. I use this as a tool now with others to show that growth in any area takes time and effort.

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  2. Did the college student spearhead this project for a college project or just her own personal choice to read out to all you children? What a wonderful experience for all of you. It’s great you still have this sweet book of your art contributions.

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    1. She was actually a co-worker of my moms who would visit occasionally and one day during her visit she noticed me drawing in the floor and reading Han Christian Anderson and asked if I like poetry. I told her I wasn’t sure and she came back to share some.
      As you can see the tiny booklet has been through the storm known as my children, lol. My daughter wrote her name on the cover and the pages are no longer bound. It is an experience I will never forget, thanks dear.

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    1. Unfortunately I didn’t, although after becoming an adult I looked for her for years. She changed her name to Nzinga and moved to Africa, but another person that was involved in this project and I had no clue til a few years ago has since passed on and it is his son who host poetry in near my home. I wasn’t aware that his father was a huge literary influence in Sacramento.

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  3. Oh my goodness Tammy, you never cease to amaze me girlfriend. How your acrostic poem speaks magic reflecting your creative personality! Abracadabra! I love it! 🎆🔮✨ Isn’t it so interesting how one person can make such an awesome impact on your life then, and now. Oh yes ma’am this is on point little artist you! 🎭🖼🎨👩🏽‍🎨🖌

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    1. Now you have me wondering what my little mind was thinking back then. I don’t recall if she gave us a prompt or how I came up with the “Afrika” poem. Yes, I’ve thought of that lady all these years. I remember her trying to teach us about Africa, but I was so confused not having anyone else to ask about it.

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      1. Oh what a blessing she was to you back then. Apparently, she left a lasting memory that was good and edifying for you. You have to understand that in our developing years, we didn’t have they types of distractions we have these days. Thus, our minds were open and free to create. Your imagination went above and beyond, and honey chile, that ain’t too shabby at all my queen!!! 🤩👑💖

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      2. And a beautiful and FANtabulous morning to you too my queen!!! Have an amazing day and keep smiling. 😍🌞🤩 Stay encouraged and go on out there and make some awesome things happen! 👏🏼💖😄 Hugs and smooches. 😘💄💋

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